Pass ACP-610 Exam To Become A Jira Project Administrator

Pass ACP-610 Exam To Become A Jira Project Administrator

The ACP-610 is the certification exam for the Project Administration in Jira Data Center. To become a Jira Project Administrator, candidates need to pass both ACP-620 exam (for Cloud customers) and ACP-610 exam (for Data Center customers). To pass the ACP-610 test on the first try, you must have accurate syllabus information and an excellent study guide. FreeTestShare ACP-610 dumps give you in-depth knowledge of the ACP-610 exam syllabus. This information should be obtained at the outset of your preparation because it will assist you in developing an effective study plan.

You can use the following ACP-610 practice questions to determine your level of preparation. 

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1. There is a condition on the S t art Pr o gress transition in yo u r workflo w , which restri c t s t h e transition t o users in the Develop e rs role on l y . All other transitions are avail a ble to all users. There is a new requirement to allow all users to execute the S t art Progress t r ansition. Y our workflow is not shared. As a pr o j ect administrato r , what shou l d y o u do to meet the requi r ement?

2. V iew the extract of a permission scheme shown belo w .

Which two s t atemen t s a r e correct? (Choose two.)

3. In my pr o ject, I can create issues a nd assign them to other users. How e v e r , the other users are n o t able t o assign issues to me.

What are t w o possible rea s ons for this? (Choose two.)

4. An e x tract of a permiss i on scheme is shown belo w .

Jennifer Ev a ns needs to be able to:

- Manage p r oject role membership

- Log time to issues

What is the minimum number of pr o ject roles she needs?

5. Y ou have gathe r ed wo rk flow requir e men t s:

- Sue wan t s to put issues ON HOLD f r om any w he r e in the workflo w .

- Da v e wan t s to restri c t w ho can put issues ON HOLD.

Y ou con t act a Jira ad m inistrator to request appro p riate workflow changes to address their require m en t s.

Which chan g e do y ou N O T request?

6. The extract of a permis s ion scheme is shown belo w .

Clare is join i ng yo u r team to he l p out as fi r s t-level supp o rt. Her job will be:

- Analyze incoming req ues t s

- reques t s to subject matter ex p er t s

Which two project roles w ill she need? (Ch o ose two.)

7. Jill i s the pro j ect administ r ator of t h e SOFT W A R E pro j ect. She has the following re q uiremen t s:

- A T esting s t atus s hould be ad d ed to the workflow used by all issue types in her pr o ject.

- Only deve l opers shou l d be able to transition iss u es into the T esting s t atus.

She consul t s the W orkflows sec t ion of her pr o ject s ettings p age and finds out that the workflow s cheme is used in 2 pr o jec t s, the SOFT W ARE and the HAR D W ARE proj e ct. Luc k il y , she is also a pr o j ect administrator of the HARD W ARE project.

Which of the following s t atemen t s is tr u e?

8. Y ou man a ge multiple p rojec t s which share a no t ification scheme. For the Issue Moved event, you w ant to notify only a p articular i ndivi d ual. That individual needs to be selected by other users.

Which value should be used for the Issue Mov e d event?

9. Security levels have alrea d y be e n configur e d in the Le g al p ro ject's issue security scheme.

Now D ave n eeds to be a ble to set a p articular s ecurity level o n an issue in the Legal p r o j e ct. Identify t h re e pre r equisites for him to be ab l e to do this. (Choose three.)

10. The sup p ort team has a req u est.

When a Bug is crea t ed, it should only display five fields. How e v e r , w h en it is edited, it should display fourteen fields.

Which configuration is used to implement this requirement?


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