How To Pass Professional Scrum Master II (PSM II) Exam Smoothly?

How To Pass Professional Scrum Master II (PSM II) Exam Smoothly?

Professional Scrum Master II (PSM II) is an advanced level assessment aimed at demonstrating that you know Scrum theory and how to apply it in the real world. It is comprised of 30 multiple-choice questions. You have 90 minutes to complete the assessment and must score 85%+ to achieve the certification. FreeTestShare PSM II practice tests include real exam questions and answers, allowing you to quickly learn about the topics included in the PSM II Certification exam! We provide free access to the most recent PSM II practice exam questions and answers.

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1. Steven is a Scrum Master of a Scr u m T eam that is new to Sc r u m. At the halfway point of the Sprint, the Product Owner comes to Steven telli n g him that he is concerned the Development T eam will not be able to complete the entire Sp r int Backlog by the end of the Sprint.

What should Steven do in this situation?

2. According to the Scrum Guide, where should t h e Daily Scr u m b e held? A. Wherever the Develo p ment T eam d ecides is most suitable.

B. In a room where management can attend.

C. In the s a me location where the Development T eam is sea t ed. D. In front of the Scrum b oard.

E. Wherever the Scrum M a ster decides is best.

3. What should the De v elopment T eam do if they are approa c hed by someone outside the team and asked to add a “very imp o rtant” item to a Sprint that is in progre s s?

4. The De v elopment T eam should have all the skills and com p etencies needed to:

5. How much time i s al l owed between the conclusion of the current Spri n t and the sta r t of the next


6. What is the Develo p ment T eam r esponsible for?

7. During Sprint Planning, the Definition of Done wi l l help the D ev elopment T eam forecast the amount of

work, select e d from the P r oduct B ackl o g, deemed f e asible to m a ke ‘done’ by the end of the Sprint. Which two items best d e scribes what ‘done’ mea n s? (Choose two.)

8. The p ur pose of a Sprint is to pro d uce a potentially releasable product In c rement. A. T rue

B. False

9. Steven is a Scrum M a s ter that was hired to help an organiza t ion, that is new to Scrum, understands and e n acts Scrum e f fectivel y .

Which three activ i ties w o uld be acceptable? (C h o os e three.)

10. At the end of the eighth Sprint, the i n t e rnal sponsors are upset and angry w ith the prog r ess of the pro d uct being built. The curr e nt state of the produ c t is not as e xpected and will requ i re additional Spr i nts and more budget than or i ginally antic i pated at the start of the project.

What factors may have l e d to this? ( C hoose three . )


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